Pet Portraits

Our "Pet Portraits" painting class will guide you through the entire process of creating a pet portrait. Bring photos of any pet: cat, dog, bird, hamster, whatever you desire!
The class begins with a study of each pet: proper composition, placement, contrasts, background options, etc. We will then use "help methods" to resize and transfer your pet portrait image as necessary. After a refresher in basic painting techniques, the pet portrait is painted in acrylics with guidance from your instructor.

Special note from instructor Brian Bullard: "Hundreds of students have adored the portraits of my cats displayed in the school. When painting clients realize I can do pet portraits they are "hooked". Almost anyone is willing to pay good money for a portrait of their pet, and I have painted them on canvas as well as into murals throughout the years".

Uses: Pet portraits for use on canvas, in murals, on furniture as well as other objects.

More images and info at this link!

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Keeps you updated on the latest faux finishing, Trompe-l'oeil - mural, venetian plaster, and faux finish related business classes at the Decorative Arts Center School for Faux Finishes.